Jun 2, 2007

Second meeting

Yesterday, I met my group's member of the speaking class again. We discussed about remaining questions. And, all questions ware decided. We talked a little about the presentation, too. I think writing a result on the paper needs many times. So, We have to hurry up! We must to set about this work to make a nice presentation.

May 30, 2007

First Meeting

Last Friday, I met my group's members of speaking class. I met them in front of the library. We talked about assignment. Our theme is 'cell phone'. We talked about questionnaire for some time, and decided some questions. For example, 'Do you have a cell phone?', 'Do you pay cell phone charge by your self?' and so on. By the way, My friend who is other class's student examine about the cell phone, too. I think there are some groups examine about this theme. I want to have a surprising result nobody expects. So I must put forward more good ideas.