Nov 26, 2008

The Ink Drinker -Book Rview 4-

Despite this book's cover is weired, it attracted the interest of mine. The man is sucking ink by straw. What is he doing?

A boy hates books was son of book store's owner. On day, he hid himself there when he tended the store. It was his favorite. Then, a strange man entered his store. He floated off the ground! He picked a book and begun to suck by straw. After that, he left the store. The boy followed him. He went to a cemetery and disappeared in crypt. There, the man was sleeping. Suddenly, he woke up and looked at the boy. He told a lie that there is his grandmother's grave. But the man read his mind and said, "You will develop sacking ink tomorrow!" The next day, he became one of the ink drinkers!

How dreadful! (><;) When the boy became an ink drinker, he felt happy he is son of book store's owner for the first time. But I little envy him because it's easy to understand contents of books by only sucking book's ink. I also hardly read books as him. If we drink the textbook's ink, we can know easily without reading a lot(^^)♪ (203 words)

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