Apr 24, 2008

My failing

I overslept, yesterday. I have a Mr. Tomei's writing class on Wednesday 1. If I go to collage by train as usual, I will be late for the class. So I decide to go by train and bus. I was expected to arrive at collage in time.

I usually get off the train in Suizenji station. But I got off in Kami-Kumamoto station yesterday. I got on the bus from there. My watch shown eight forty. It takes me fifteen minutes to go to KGU from Kami-Kumamoto station. I thought, "I will be in time." I sat down confidently in the bus. The bus left a bus stop, Oetoroku. I have known next is KGU. I almost put a button shows hoping to stop next. But I heard strange bus stop name. A bus turned right suddenly. A bus left from KGU on and on. I mistook a bus. I got off the bus at next strange stop. My watch shown eight fifty-nine. I ran up to collage hard. I was late for the class after all. I have to confirm a bus's destination to say nothing of a alarm. (190words)

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