Jun 25, 2008

Attraction of them... B'z!

You know, I love B'z. So I made a label "B'z". (´∀`) I'll write about their attraction. At first, let's learn their records♪ All sales of their CD is 76,500,000!! It's the most of the Japanese singers. Moreover, they have got No,1 sales of their single CDs 41 consective straight! More Moreover, they are one of the Hollywood's RockWalk members!! It is first time that Asian musician was chosen. They are wonderful! (><) They have organized B'z about 20 years ago. Now, they are one of the star of the Japanese music field. However, they never stops publishing the new songs and hardly appear on TV. They continues the steady concert because they love music and only want to enjoy it. They say, "We have done our famous things. After that, 20 years has passed. That's all." They are smart♪ (´з`) (144 words)

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