Jun 25, 2008

Secretarial Test

I finished the secretarial lectures. I'm glad to have finished a secretarial test. I was very very busy while I took the lectures. I need a lot of preparation about relationship, manner, fashion, common sense, how to send a letter and so on. It sounds easy. But it's so difficult for me because I don't have a common sense. Do you know that how many kinds of letter there are? Do you know how to refuse the request by important person? My teacher taught us we need that not only knowledge but also good "hitogara". It means good personality. I think it is more difficult to change one habit of personality than to remember the 100 words because personality connects a character. A person who is humble is good for secretary.They have to apologize soon despite they are right. Some people may say, "I can't understand!" But Secretary should act for boss's smooth work. How difficult it is! (><;) (158 words: total 6361 words)

1 comment:

SAKI said...

Hi,Yoppi☆I hope you pass the test!!